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N-Control Avenger - An Controller Contraption ?

At first glance, the N-Control Avenger looks like the killer dream of a quirky gamer, destined for failure. After using for about a month now, I was skeptical.Can a ps3 controller perform against my reflexes? Will extra pairs of buttons and pulleys be a mess? Is this cage worth 3000 INR? I went hands-on to find out, and Yeah I was surprised.

So, why would we want to cover our controller in cage and funky pulleys? Why, ease of access, of course. It may not seem apparent at first glance, but flicking the Avenger's flexible extremities toggles the attached controller's X, Y, and B buttons -- allowing players access to most of the controller's functions without abandoning the right-hand thumbstick. The backside of the Avenger features two notched lengths of rubber strung between a built-in controller stand and a pair of matching levers over the left and right triggers. This lever-pulley setup make the triggers accessible from almost any point on the rear of the controller, and can be customized to react to anything from the slightest touch, to a hearty yank. 

At first this does feel a little awkward and messy, but within an hour, flicking. Not only could  I access game functions like reload, jump, but doing it just felt awesome. Activating face buttons suddenly felt more like quicker. Mastering the trigger controls was a bit more challenging, but eventually Fawaz did just fine. Finally, yeah i felt a bit proud of getting in toughest levels which I never would with my 10 little fingers !!

By far this contraption has my gaming days better, but to be honest the buy was a little bit ass swooping for an Indian kid whos still in college !!
This setup is available for various controllers like Ps3, Ps4, Xbox one,Xbox elite and might be hard to find in India, Give yourself a try !


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