How to Unlock iPhone 4S 5.1 Using UltraSn0w
One can unlock an iPhone 4S 5.1 using the UltraSn0w program, a utility developed by the iPhone Dev Team to unlock the iPhone 4S on iOS 5.1.and requires an uncomplicated process of installation. However, the utility is limited to only the following basebands:
*. 01.59.00
*. 04.26.08
*. 05.11.07
*. 05.13.01
*. 05.12.01
*. 06.15.00
*. 04.11.08
One will need to perform a jailbreak which can be at this point can achieved at a tethered level meaning, every time the iPhone user switches it off, they have to connect it back to the computer and boot itback to the jail broken state.
1. Jailbreak the device using Redsn0w or Sn0wbreeze utilities.
2. After the jailbreak has been performed, launch the newly installed application called ‘Cydia’ present on your phone’s Springboard.
3. Add the following address to the pop up alert; http//repo666.ultrasn0w.comand then select add source.
4. After Cydia has added and refreshed the packages, tap on its default Repo and install the Ultrasn0w utility.
5. Alternatively, you can unlock iPhone 4 on 5.1 firmware using ultrasn0w.
One can unlock an iPhone 4S 5.1 using the UltraSn0w program, a utility developed by the iPhone Dev Team to unlock the iPhone 4S on iOS 5.1.and requires an uncomplicated process of installation. However, the utility is limited to only the following basebands:
*. 01.59.00
*. 04.26.08
*. 05.11.07
*. 05.13.01
*. 05.12.01
*. 06.15.00
*. 04.11.08
One will need to perform a jailbreak which can be at this point can achieved at a tethered level meaning, every time the iPhone user switches it off, they have to connect it back to the computer and boot itback to the jail broken state.
1. Jailbreak the device using Redsn0w or Sn0wbreeze utilities.
2. After the jailbreak has been performed, launch the newly installed application called ‘Cydia’ present on your phone’s Springboard.
3. Add the following address to the pop up alert; http//repo666.ultrasn0w.comand then select add source.
4. After Cydia has added and refreshed the packages, tap on its default Repo and install the Ultrasn0w utility.
5. Alternatively, you can unlock iPhone 4 on 5.1 firmware using ultrasn0w.
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